Friday, June 26, 2015

6/20/2015 WY/SD/NE Tri-State Supercell

We tacked a long-lived supercell on 6-20 starting west of Newcastle, WY and ending near Chadron, NE.  This non-tornadic supercell (due to LCL height and low-level shear) gave us over six hours of vistas and entertainment after starting the day in Wall (with no power due to the wind damage from the previous evening).  We took a scenic route through the Black Hills and grabbed an awesome lunch in Hill City at a rooftop pub/grille.  Convection developed just west of our target (Newcastle, WY) and we stayed with it the rest of the evening through South Dakota and into Nebraska.  A great day!

MISC: Overnighted in Alliance.

RADAR loop from UNR of the event
Our location (green 'x'), station plots, and visible satellite at peak supercell intensity

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